Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First Blog-First day as "Fresh Meat"

DON'T GET YOUR PANTIES IN A WAD! The first day isn't that bad. finding your classes can be a challenge, but teachers and peers will help you out! Don't be afraid to ask for help!! That's what they are there for, I mean honestly they get paid for it...
On the other side of the turf, if you aren't so nervous or the slightest bit scared don't parade through the doors like your king of the hall acting as if its all hanky dory because your not. To tell you the truth, in the case you think it, the upper classmen will just laugh at you, They have been their alot longer and take advantage of their "rank" in High School. For example, don't take offense when the "big kids" say things like "aww look at those little freshman," or "hey check out the fresh fish!" Just brush it off your shoulder, it's not the end of the world, soon enough you will be the "high-ranked" and calling freshmen the same thing. So basically just stand your ground and hold your own, but don't get too cocky.
Check later for more blogs, I plan to post many more tonight!

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