This teacher is crazy, I can't listen and take notes at the same time!!

  • Listening is vital to taking good notes. It requires you to  process the information being heard. You have to concentrate on what the lecturer is saying. You should listen for any verbal hints on points that the lecturer feels are important. Focusing on what the lecturer is discussing is critical to taking good notes.
  • It is also important not to right EVERYTHING that comes out of your teachers mouth. It would take way too much time and way too much paper, not to mention that your fingers my fall off before you finish!
  • Put your notes in your own words. Note takers can recall information easier if its in their own words. Some technical terms and topics must be noted exactly for accuracy. This would be in the instance of formulas, diagrams and other specific facts. 
  • Make your notes as brief and detailed as possible. Write down information that is important. The lecturer will sometimes indicate topics that are important. An emphasis on certain information through repetition, gestures, tone of voice and word signals are all indicators that you should write this information down. Keep in mind it isn't necessary to write down everything the lecturer says, you want to write down the important points.
  • Ask Questions. Once the lecture is over ask questions if it is permitted. This is an excellent way to fill in any missing information that you might have missed. This will also provide a opportunity to get clarification on anything that you were unclear on.
  • Review your notes as soon as possible after the lecture. Read over your notes thoroughly. Fill in any details or points that you might have missed. Don't redo your notes. Correct any misspelled words and polish the notes that have been taken. It is not necessary to rewrite your notes.