Highschool survial- 5 steps away from being an "active student"

Alot of people (Including myself) have had problems fitting in with the crowd, or keeping up with the cliques. The number one thing to remember is that fitting in and being "popular" is not all the craze and rave, high school is about having a great time making memories, and being the best you can be by just being your unique self!
Here are some tips and hints if you are still completely lost on how to manage yourself as a person at school.
  1. Keep your old pals close, but don't be afraid to make some new friends. Even if you are shy and don't make friends easily, just meeting and befriending one person can lead to many new friendships, you know friends have friends!
  2. Join a team or a club. You will meet people with similar interests as yours. You may want to try a club or sport that you've never tried before, and you may find that you really like it. Stick with it at least for awhile, but if you still don't like it, try another group, as there are many around to choose from.
  3. Become confident and outgoing. Confidence attracts people and if you stay confident about yourself, you'll soon have many friends to be around. Don't be afraid to go up to someone and introduce yourself.
  4. Be yourself. Acting like someone you're not will only get you in trouble later on. People may like the fake version of you at first, but they'll soon discover it was all an act and then you'll lose many friends you really liked.
  5. Get a makeover. If you want a change, consider a new haircut or new clothes. Changing the way you look can often bring out confidence you never knew you had.


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